Our Landscaping Division undertakes both small a large and complex designs and installations. Labour is sourced from local communities who are encouraged to have input. We have found this very constructive; they provide answers to questions we didn’t know needed asking, preventing future problems. Plants are often harvested from local areas to compensate for the lack of formal resources and to compensate for climate adjustment. We make use of informal vendors often engaging their services for the harvesting process. We ensure that any interested employee leaves an installation with at least a basic horticultural understanding. Extension to permanent work comes through the maintenance of any installations and is actively encouraged through clients.

Our successful Landscaping Division has enabled a shareholding with GLADYS, a previous Landscape Technician who now assists with social development projects. GLADYS is gifted with a high technical standard on site whether on installations or maintenance and we are training her in business management to develop her share of the business into a successful operation. At the same time she extends her vast practical knowledge to communities she works with.